• Alternatives

    While nowtical.com is a new service, for some use cases it can be an alternative to FareHarbour, Checkfront, BookingLayer and Checkyeti.

    It can be a great replacement for those still using a contact form on their website, or always answering phone calls, text and Whatsapp messages, saving a lot of time.

    Check out our website for more information. Visit nowtical.com.

  • New widget

    We now have a widget to help integrate nowtical into an existing site. Wasn’t that much effort and looks really neat. No libs are used, a manually crafted SVG icon for the close button.

    Updated the site copy under Features to remove the payments item (not really usable right now) and switched it for this new widget, including a demo with a pulsating garish button. Updated one of the footer sections as well.

    Make it work, make it work well, then make it pretty… You have to have priorities.

    Really happy with the result.

  • First post!

    New blog will be here.

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